So, I have a bit of an addiction to reading and unfortunately when I have a good book (and I usually am not without one) my other areas in my life suffer. The dished tend to not get done as fast, the laundry takes longer, etc. I'm terrible, I know. So, in a desperate attempt to be more responsible and accomplish more, I turned to audio books. It's great being able to pop in my earphones and go about my work while still enjoying a good book. The only drawback are the narrators. I hate when the women narrators try to sound like a man for the male characters and vice versa. It also bugs me when I feel like the narrator has "interpreted" a character wrong (like the tone used and such) which I know is really nit picky of me, but hey, I just thought I would list all of my complaints.:whistling:
I absolutely love the Harry Potter books and so naturally I bought those books on CD also. I have been totally and completely spoiled by Jim Dale's quality. I have listened to many other books on CD but I haven't found anyone who is able to read a book as beautifully.
So I am appealing to anyone who can help me out in finding some really good audio books with decent narration.
I absolutely love the Harry Potter books and so naturally I bought those books on CD also. I have been totally and completely spoiled by Jim Dale's quality. I have listened to many other books on CD but I haven't found anyone who is able to read a book as beautifully.
So I am appealing to anyone who can help me out in finding some really good audio books with decent narration.