I read The Storyteller a few years ago, about a week before we went to the Branson area for a family vacation. This book tells about a search for a missing "ledger book", created by an Arapaho warrior around the first of the 20th century. Apparently for awhile, a group of people, possibly missionaries, gave these ledger books to Arapaho men and asked them to draw their life stories on the pages. I had never heard of this, but thought it was a cool story, and went on my trip. We had some time to kill before we could check into our resort, so we decided to tour the museum at The School of the Ozarks in Branson. (Cheap family entertainment as all under 18 or students were free). As I came around a corner in the Native American room, I was shocked to find a display of an Arapaho man's story of his conversion to Christianity! It was on several sheets of paper from what we used to call Big Chief Tablets when I was in school. The museum sign indicated that it was from this same time period as in Coel's book, and was from an Arapaho man.