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Mark Haddon: The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Nighttime

Curious incident

I'm just going to say what a lot of others have said, but the POV is excellent. I work with mentally disabled teens, and Haddon does a wonderful job capturing that personality and (what we can assume) is going on inside the mind.
Martin said:
The premise.

A quest?

I'm not saying it was a bad book, it passed a few hours and was a fun little ride. It had a few mistakes but I can overlook them and blame the little faux pas on the character's narrative rather than the author's forgetfulness.*

* For a kid who wastes food should it ever touch another bit of food, he makes no mention of disliking three or four different ingredients crammed between two slices of bread in an appetising sandwich.
You're actively looking for mistakes, are you not? I could never read the way you read - thankfully.

Nope, but (and I quote Phil here) a book about a 15-year-old boy with Autism trying to work out who killed their neighbour's dog is pretty unique.

Cheers, Martin
Martin said:
You're actively looking for mistakes, are you not? I could never read the way you read - thankfully.

No. It occurred to me as I read. One page I'm told this and the next next being quite a few pages on) I read a conflicting statement in the narrative.

Nope, but (and I quote Phil here) a book about a 15-year-old boy with Autism trying to work out who killed their neighbour's dog is pretty unique.

It's still a quest. A quest for the truth.
That was explained in the narrative, he says later on that he doesnt mind if the food comes altogether, but that if it comes apart and touches each other then he wont eat it - if you really want i could look through the book again to find it, but its there :)

No. It occurred to me as I read. One page I'm told this and the next next being quite a few pages on) I read a conflicting statement in the narrative.
Sure, I believe you. I probably would not have noticed it, and I honestly wouldn't want to.

It's still a quest. A quest for the truth.
If you boil it down to its essentials, nothing is unique. This story, it's premise (in its entirety - not boiled down) is rather unique.

Cheers, Martin
Mile-O-Phile said:
It's still a quest. A quest for the truth.

Yes, I agree. However, one of the more interesting aspects is how the boy comes to find out the truth(s). Although the book reveals a great deal about how someone with Asperger's experiences "the world," it also gives us a different view of ourselves. After I got used to his speech patterns and his sensitivities, I found myself really taken with the revelations of how "normal people" relate and function. Some of it is pretty scary and some of it is just pathetic. But I felt the insights were spot on.
RaVeN said:
I've missed you Mile-O :)

I know you are sincere. :D I've been away working on my website for a bit - I keep popping back, though, to see what crap everyone has developed a liking for. :rolleyes:
Mile-O-Phile said:
I know you are sincere. :D

I was being very sincere. Why doesn't any one take me seriously arond here? :(

Don't answer that!

So how's the website going? Ready for open house yet?

i really enjoyed 'the curious incident...' It was nice to see the world from a mentally disabelled perspective, what other books do this? It was also nice to see a little bit of positive rattie PR, they make great pets! (My latest addition was named Toby after the rat in the book) the book was very quick to read, but what else would you expect from a kids book :)
Rat_ellie said:
It was nice to see the world from a mentally disabelled perspective, what other books do this?

As I've already mentioned: William Faulkner's The Sound and the Fury.
The curious incident of the dog...

Hi, this is a really good book but my copy has fallen appart and I've lost pages 37-42 (3 leaves) can anybody help?
For three pages worth, you could probably just stand in a shop and read them in a new book, then put it back where you found it.