It was a very long time ago I think I was about 13 years old maybe younger when I read a comprehension passage in my English Language book,the story goes like this.There was an orphaned boy who goes to live with his uncle on a farm and the uncle tries to kill the boy for reasons that were not mentioned or I can't remember there was also a sketch of a windmill above the comprehension passage.
So if anybody can tell me what the name of the book was from which this particular passage was taken then it will be of huge help because I really want to know what happens next in the story,also the reason why I think the name of the book was "The Plan" is because I remember the word plan being in the title of the passage but unfortunately searching the book by that title hasn't got me anywhere.
Please if you have any idea of what book or novel I am talking about then please give me the name of its Author and the real title of the book.
If you even a have a hint of what the title of the book may be then please let me know that to.
Any and all help will be much appreciated.This is my first post on this forum so if I have made any mistakes then please correct me and again thanks in advance.
So if anybody can tell me what the name of the book was from which this particular passage was taken then it will be of huge help because I really want to know what happens next in the story,also the reason why I think the name of the book was "The Plan" is because I remember the word plan being in the title of the passage but unfortunately searching the book by that title hasn't got me anywhere.
Please if you have any idea of what book or novel I am talking about then please give me the name of its Author and the real title of the book.
If you even a have a hint of what the title of the book may be then please let me know that to.
Any and all help will be much appreciated.This is my first post on this forum so if I have made any mistakes then please correct me and again thanks in advance.