I am currently reading, but having trouble finishing The Book of Salt by Monique Truong. The story is about a Vietnamese chef who supposedly worked for Gertrude Stein and Alice B. Toklas while they were living in Paris. Peeking into the homelife of the two women is fascinating, but the character of Bihn, the chef, seems somewhat weak. He, too, is homosexual, and much time is spent on his relationship with his lover, "Sweet Sunday Man." However, this character is rather undeveloped. The reader does see in depth the relationship Bihn had with his parents, especially his mother. I guess I just can't relate to the main character enough to get inside his skin or care much about him, and therefore, I am struggling to read the last 60 pages or so. The book is a first novel by Ms. Truong and received great reviews, so I am disappointed that I don't find it such a good read. Anybody else read this book or have any comments?