steffee said:
Catcher in the Rye was a disappointment, I thought.
I loved
The Cather in the Rye! It seems strange to me that everyone who doesn't like seem to know tons of people who do, while I'm the only person I know (since we read it in class) who liked it at all, except for this one dork in my Biology class who picks his nose when he thinks no one's looking...
Anyway, on with the point. I think Scott O'Dell (writer of mostly YA novels) is overrated. I must have attempted to read
Island of the Blue Dolphins at least six times (back in elementary school for AR points

) but I could never get into it. Funny thing is, I was fascinated by the story (based on a true one), but was stunted by the floundery writing and word choice. Recently, I picked it up again to force myself to read it, but I just couldn't do it. Everyone else seems to love it, so I feel like a dolt for always challenging the majority concensus. I've tried reading his others books too, but usually end up barely refraining from chucking them out the window. I don't hate any books, but these were on the border of severely dislike.
Another is Cecilia Dart-Thornton. I picked up
The Ill-Made Mute a few weeks ago from the library and could tell immediately that it would be tough going, but decided to give it a shot. This woman is an exploiter of adjectives, which the language is so thick with, there is virutally no plot development at all in the first 100 pages (all I was able tor read). She used and abused a thesaurus until it was so wrung out that it was about ready to file for a divorce or commit suicide. I was
very disappointed.