Beyond history
With the demise of bebe and spaz, this thread (this whole area of the Forum, actually) has been a bit of a No-Fly Zone. Still, this was a decent General thread, and there's no reason to let it slide just because of past unpleasantnesses.
I've been listening to an album called Behind The Music by a band called The Soundtrack Of Our Lives. It's barely left my CD deck, actually, since last week. Very good straight rock n' roll stuff, that avoids the usual pitfalls of the genre. Touches of The Stooges, The Moody Blues, and even prog-rockers like The Alan Parsons Project, tempered with riffs calling to mind The Rolling Stones and Aerosmith (when they were good).
I'm not usually into that kind of mainstream stuff - ha, these days Indie is the mainstream, I suppose - in total defiance of its origins. Counting Crows blew me away with their debut album, and the follow-up had some corkers, too, but these days they're just singing about American girls and how cool it is to rip off everyone who's ever sung about them. Care to glove-up, Darren?