If memory serves . . .
Memory's a strange fish, and I don't entirely trust it, but I'm thinking . . . my big brother's Harry Harrison stuff (probably The Stainless Steel Rat), although I vaguely recollect an anthology that contained a short story about a missionary who took christianity to a race of innocent and naive aliens, who crucified him when they took his teachings about ressurection a little too literally (can anyone help me with the author/title of that?); Almost certainly The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe, but I'm equally almost certain it was The Hobbit, although, come to think of it, it may have been some dreadful Swords and Ice Magic thing that I'd much rather forget (and had until this post dragged it up again, kicking and screaming); I'm sure I can remember "borrowing" Grandad's copy of Dracula and finding it quite erotic, even before I knew what erotic was, and also "borrowing" big brother's Rats by Steven King, which I think I found a tad scarier than that song Ben by Michael Jackson suggested I might.