Hi. I have this little sentence which looks kind of confusing to me. I hope someone can provide me with a little grammar correction if need be. 
Here it is :
What happens when the Norns who govern destiny decide to take a break?
Just for your information, the "Norns" in the sentence above is a collective name for a group of goddesses.
So, is the whole sentence grammatically correct?
Or should it be :
What happens when the Norns who governs destiny decides to take a break?
What happens when the Norns who govern destiny decides to take a break?
Thanks for your help!
Here it is :
What happens when the Norns who govern destiny decide to take a break?
Just for your information, the "Norns" in the sentence above is a collective name for a group of goddesses.
So, is the whole sentence grammatically correct?
Or should it be :
What happens when the Norns who governs destiny decides to take a break?
What happens when the Norns who govern destiny decides to take a break?
Thanks for your help!