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I seem to enjoy books about many things, but books like Fight Club and 1984 have to be at the very top of that list. I also used to read books way more than I do now and can't seem to get back into them and I really want; I believe I know why, reading doesn't offer instant gratification as video games do and I'm addicted to them. As a child I grew up borderline homeless and without power, plumbing or any of the things people take for granted, but every day I had a book from either a local library or the school's library. As an adult, I have no money still, but I have a computer that I built myself and it can play most games out now and I spend a lot of time playing Battlefield 3 and a small fraction of that playing time I spend beating my keyboard to the point my fists get bloody (Somehow my keyboard survives, don't ask because I can't explain it.) To get to my point, I'm sure more of you guys have run into the video game addiction and wanted to get back to your books, how did you get away from games and back to your books? I was given a kindle a year or two ago and have some .pdf books on it that people gave me, but the kindle just isn't the same as having paper in your hands and really turning the pages. Please advise me, I would be most gracious!
I got rid of the console which although extreme did work, cold turkey, books were and are part of the therapy. I can't really advise what books you should read as I don't know much about you. What you're going through is very tough but it will be worthwhile to restructure your day and get away from the computer for some of your time.
I got rid of my xbox many months ago but am using my PC in its absence. I enjoy dark books like the aforementioned and vigilantism. Cold turkey hasn't worked for me at all and I fear I will never be able to change or get back to reading like I used to.
Have you tried graphic novels? Think of them as a gateway from video games to just printed words.

You could also read short novels or stories and see if they hold your interest.
Have you tried graphic novels? Think of them as a gateway from video games to just printed words.

You could also read short novels or stories and see if they hold your interest.

Can you recommend any graphic novels? I'll give that a try, but I think the hard part of getting back into reading is due to digital format (Using a kindle) instead of having a physical copy of the book in my hands.
You could start with a "one-shot" or a comic book series collected in one volume like Maus or Watchmen. Check here for more gn suggestions.
I like both video games and books. But I have to say, reading books is WAY more relaxing. I've got a lot of anxiety and anger because I have a LONG commute to work, and reading books when I get home is the only thing that calms me down! :) Video games are a blast, but are very stimulating and can be frustrating at times. I think you need a good balance- read a book when you are anxious or overstimulated to help you relax (right when you get home from work and right before bed is good) and video games are good for weekends.

If you like dark books- the Hunger Games is an excellent series. I heard the movie compared to a cross between High School Musical and Spartacus on a Rifftrax once. Haha!

But the books themselves are fascinating and emotional and they feature constant action. I stayed up all night finishing one of them because I couldn't force myself to put it down! That would be a good series to start with.