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July: Sándor Márai: Embers
August: D.H. Lawrence: Sons And Lovers
September: Ivan Turgenev: Fathers and Sons
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July: Sándor Márai: Embers
August: D.H. Lawrence: Sons And Lovers
September: Ivan Turgenev: Fathers and Sons
I'm too tired tonight. Count me with whoever wins. :sleepy:
We haven't been doing polls for this. We discuss it until we reach a consensus.
I just realize that i read last order and i'm ether mentaly deficient or it's the book but i didn't get much out of it(sorry seoulman!)
OF the 2 others,i liked tender is the night and DR glas as definetly my vote,But still not women writer sighted.......A Virginia Woolf cmoe to our help,with Waves or Orlando .Classic and a great surprise to the none initiate.
Au contraire! The first BOTM I read, The First Circle, was selected by a poll, and I believe there was a poll for the month prior.