Here's the latest list:
NIV Study Bible
Lonely Planet Great Britian
A Little Princes(Classic Starts Series)
The Secret Garden (Classics Starts Series)
Book of Mother Goose:A Treasury of More Than 300 Nursery Rhymes
Klutz Knitting
Klutz Shrinky Dinks
The Chronicles of Narnia Boxed Set
Peter Pan
Card Games for Dummies
The Book of Amber
Capt. Hook
Deryni Rising
Deryni Checkmate
High Deryni
Wolfpointe-Rick Buda
Draw Christmas Thumbprints
Writing Smarts(American Girl Library)
Clever Letters (American Girl Library)
Pecos Bill (read by Robin Williams)
2 blank books/Journals
2 Seven Sleepers books by Gilbert Morris
Usborne Book of Mythology
Mandolin Chord Book
There's one more I got for one of my older dds, but I can't remember the title. She picked it out while we were at a used book store the other day.
What's funny, a week or so ago I took several of the kids to our local library and they found a tall stack of mint-conditioned books on the sale cart. For a donation, they brought home books for all the sibs who weren't with us that day. So, besides the books from mom and dad...this will be a Book Christmas this year