For Christmas lunch our family has roast chicken, roast pork, roast potatoes, roast pumpkin, boiled potatoes, stuffing, peas, carrots, kumara, bean salad, potato salad and, of course, gravy. The adults have wine, while the children usually drink fizzy or sparkling grape juice. For dessert, we have pavlova, merangs (sp?), brandy snaps, fruit salad, ice cream, mousse, ambrosia and chocolate fondue.
I don't care about my weight on Christmas - it's Christmas for goodness sake! And my favourite Christmas food has to be pavlova, with whipped cream and fresh fruit on top. It's absolutely delicious! It's made mainly of whipped egg whites and sugar, and shaped like a cake. The outside layer is nice and crisp, while the inside is slightly lighter than marshmellows.
A picture here for those of you who have never seen one (I think it's mainly an Aussie and Kiwi dish):