Active Member
Motokid said:By the end of the week my family has this nice collection of dirty clothes that we all throw into, and around hampers...quite fetching actually. I'd be willing to sell one of our piles of dirty clothes strewn about the floor for a paltry hundred thousand dollars US. I'll bring the clothes to your home/apartment/flat and personally arrange them to look just like they would look at my house. The only thing missing would be the dog that likes to claim the pile for her temporary bed. Very colorful collection. $100K US. A real steal.
But that's just a pile of dirty clothes. By your own admission it's a pile of dirty clothes. You are not saying anything by having a pile of dirty clothes other than that you are a lazy bastard. Get them cleaned!

Now, had you exhibitioned this - rather than call it for what it is - I would have been tempted to look at it a different way. A personal perspective, a global perspective, and, if possible, from the artist's perspective. Sadly, knowing that it's just a pile of dirty clothes I can't do that. And, were it to be purchased, who are you to put a price on art and what it means to the buyer?