If you had to pick just one web site as your favorite, apart from this one of coarse, what would you pick?
Here is mine: http://www.mirrorproject.com/
Just love and have been addicted to it for a long time. I like it because of it's artistic value but also because it's a small window, a glimpse, into other places and lives. Each photo has a small amount of text with it that explains about the photo. Sometimes the text is trivial or sometimes it is so much more.
What is yours???
If you had to pick just one web site as your favorite, apart from this one of coarse, what would you pick?
Here is mine: http://www.mirrorproject.com/
Just love and have been addicted to it for a long time. I like it because of it's artistic value but also because it's a small window, a glimpse, into other places and lives. Each photo has a small amount of text with it that explains about the photo. Sometimes the text is trivial or sometimes it is so much more.
What is yours???