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Poem: Growing Up


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[font=STOMP_Rina][font=STOMP_Rina]Growing Up[/font][/font]
[font=STOMP_Rina]The first day of Kindergarten[/font]
[font=STOMP_Rina]Anxiety, excitement, freedom[/font]

[font=STOMP_Rina]Mommy cries; I say, it’s okay[/font]

[font=STOMP_Rina]I’m coming back.[/font]


[font=STOMP_Rina]Junior High brings horror stories[/font]

[font=STOMP_Rina]Kids in garbage cans, stuffed in lockers[/font]

[font=STOMP_Rina]How quickly I find this is not true[/font]

[font=STOMP_Rina]Yet I’m still scared. I feel inferior.[/font]


[font=STOMP_Rina]High School. Who would have thought it would come so quickly[/font]

[font=STOMP_Rina]And pass even more quickly. So many difficult classes.[/font]

[font=STOMP_Rina]Emotional breakdowns, sleepless nights filled with homework.[/font]

[font=STOMP_Rina]Hallways of soap operas lay before me. Take me away.[/font]


[font=STOMP_Rina]Here I stand at the verge of college, ready more than ever to graduate and leave.[/font]

[font=STOMP_Rina]Still a little frightened at what life might hold for me, I never know, how can I?[/font]

[font=STOMP_Rina]Worries of every shape and form, for I am busier now than ever before.[/font]

[font=STOMP_Rina]They day arrives, my Mother cries again. I hug her and whisper in her ear:[/font]

[font=STOMP_Rina]Mommy, It’s okay, I’m coming back.[/font]
[font=STOMP_Rina]-Lindsay Beardall[/font]
[font=STOMP_Rina]Okay, this poem looks kinda weird, but it won't change the font sizes and stuff, so, sorry. What do you think of this?[/font]
I think both of your pieces are wonderful Lindsay.

Love and youth, youth and love.

Are you ever in for some fun! :D

I like both of your poems as well, Lindsay. :)

I think this one expresses emotions that most all of us can identify with. I especially liked your description of high school being "hallways of soap operas." That certainly rings true.

I hope you enjoy college (trust me, it's way better than high school!) and I hope you keep writing. :)
Welcome Liv

This made me smile:

"Kids in garbage cans, stuffed in lockers

How quickly I find this is not true"

At our school it was 'heads down the toilets and FLUSH' :D

- only with the boys though :cool:

Third Man Girl