THE RISE OF SCIENTIFIC PHILOSOPHY, by Hans Reichenbach. Great book in beautifully clear, lucid prose. Includes a critique of the classic philosophers. If, as I, you had some issues with Plato, et al. in college, you will like Reichenbach a lot. He was one of the leaders of the logical empiricists.
A HISTORY OF WESTERN PHILOSOPHY, by Bertrand Russell. Excellent.
PHILOSOPHY IN A NEW KEY, by Suzanne Langer. Very well received when it came out. Still worth reading.
THE MASS PSYCHOLOGY OF FASCISM, by Wilhelm Reich. Following WWII, there was a good deal of interest in how the German and Italian fascist regimes came to power, captured the loyalty of educated, advanced societies, and threw much of the world into war. Reich’s book was frequently cited and portions assigned as readings in college classes at that time, along with writings by Else Frenkel Brunswig and others who studied authoritarian personalities, etc.
Reich is a fascinating study in himself. Went from being a respected member of Freud’s inner circle, to being a pariah, because, in large part, of his claim to have discovered orgone energy, and the theories he derived therefrom
Given the present trends in social and political movements, these studies of fascism and authoritarianism are worth another look.