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Ptolemy's Gate - (spoilers!!!!!!!!)

this is the 3rd book int he bartimaeus trilogy. i finished it two days ago. has anyone read it?


in the end, i was so sad when .......... died!! i jsut finished the book and rolle dover and started crying! i hope he writes more books that are related to the trilogy, or just more books.
Ptolemy's Gate

I just finished Ptolemy's Gate, and I think it is as good as The Amulet of Samarkand, which is one of my favorite young adult novels. Bartimaeus' monologues and footnotes are as witty and funny as ever, and there are more of them around this time compared to the second volume in the series. This book also reveals the sides of Bartimaeus and Nathaniel that perhaps few suspected, which make them much more endearing, and it finally elucidates the bond between Ptolemy and Bartimaeus, revealing the reason why Bartimaeus so often adopts Ptolemy's form. There are parts of the book that are deeply moving, and the end is very sad. After reading this book, I believe The Bartimaeus Trilogy is one of the greatest Young Adult Fantasy series ever. Don't miss it!
yeah, i agree. it's as good as the first one which is my fave. and it's better then the 2nd one, which i like extremely. in fact, they're all way too good to judge them too well.

p.s. i noticed you wrote a book. i'm going to read it! and then..well..i'll have known(kinda) a real author! lol.
I'm gald we share the same taste in children's literature. If you have a chance to read my novel and happen to like it, don't forget to tell everyone you know about it! :)
don't worry, i will. i just have to get the book first. (and then you can sign it like a real author! lol)

yep, i'm glad someone agrees with me that the bartimaeus trilogy is good. not a lot of people have read it.
OMG, I just finished it! I cried so hard!!! It was great; it was sad; I'm glad I read it, and I will definitely be checking out some more Stroud books.
The reason I started reading the Bartimaeus trilogy was because I liked Bartimaeus's little footnotes. They always make me laugh. The characters were very easy to get attatched to, and all were well-done, even the bad guys.
Stroud only wrote 3 other books, I believe, and from what I heard they are nowhere as good as the Bartimaeus Trilogy. He got famous only after publishing The Amulet of Samarkand. I read Buried Fire, and it was a disappointment to me. I would not recommend it.
i agree with you on the footnotes and characters. and i haven't read buried fire, but i don't think i will either, it doesn't sound very fun.

p.s. i just met a real live author alst night! yay!!
I really loved this book the most out of the trilogy I thnk, and the ending absolutely stunned me, not what i was expecting at all. I was in shock, after reading it! lol. But I still really loved it, and Bartimaeus is so funny, I actually bought the series for my brother, but I'm the one who reads it the most!
I loved this series so much!!! I borrowed The Amulet of Samarkand from a friend and begged her for the next ones in the series...I had to wait until she finished Ptolemy's Gate until I could read it...ugh, so unfair.

I'd have to say that Ptolemy's Gate was my favorite overall. I enjoyed all three immensely, but Ptolemy's Gate was obviously the best.

I was in love (almost) with Bartimaeus until I met Ptolemy. He was the best ever. So sad, how he ended. Both him and
were so awesome.

I did start reading the book only for Bartimaeus's sarcasm, but I soon found much more in the story, but those were still the best parts.

Were Stroud's other books written before these? He might have gotten better since the beginning of the Bartimaeus Trilogy, and I look forward to trying his other novels.
i think these are his best books. i think he has one other book-buried fire.

but yeah, i loved the sarcasm of bartimaeus, and his knowledge of history. see, i read the 3rd one after actually having history in school, so i actually got all the historical jokes then.
I didn't think the historical jokes were that hard to pick around. I found them easy to understand. Bartimaeus explained them enough to get the gist.
I've read book 1 and 2 of the Bartimaeus trilogy, they're great!! I might read the last book, Ptolemy's Gate. So far I think book 1 is the better one of the 2 I've read. Hope the author Jonathan Stroud keeps on writing.
