pink shadow
New Member
Ski-pants. I wouldn't be caught with those anywhere!!
Name a song that your embarrased that you like.
Name a song that your embarrased that you like.
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pink shadow said:.
Do you burn easily in the sun?
raffaellabella said:I love that mustache connected to the beard trimmed close to the face but only around the mouth and chin thingie. Can you get the visual?
What is the one quality in a person that you cannot overlook? It can be physical or characteristic.
Excuse me while I curl up and quiver in fear about either possibility!! Sorry, Ms, but that's not 'life'.Ms. said:A life without books or music?
hot (but at the moment im just simmering;-) )Kookamoor said:Excuse me while I curl up and quiver in fear about either possibility!! Sorry, Ms, but that's not 'life'.
Are you hot or cold?
abecedarian said:You're given carte blance with Donald Trump's credit card for 24 hours..what would you do with it?
Kookamoor said:
- Purchase a few million dollars in gift vouchers to spend at my leasure over the next few years,
- Pour a butt-load of money into a few choice charities targetted at cancer research, recreational sport for kids and young adults, and educational projects in developing countries. Oh, and I'd throw a fair sum of money at the local libraries too, provided I could be a part of determining their stock and their children's reading programs (which are pretty terrible at the moment!!)
- Buy a small shack on Sydney harbour, a nice getaway down in Melbourne and a chalet on my favourite ski hill
- Visit my favourite two local bookstores and go MAD!!!
I put *far* too much thought into that!!
How do you like your eggs?
Why, thank you. Should I ever find myself with the Mr T's credit card, I'll remember you said that...sme said:your idea with the vouchers was inspired![]()
A quick think-through gives me ten GOOD friends. People I would tell anything and everything. Friends who I can not talk to for months and come back to and it's the same. It's many more than I would have first thought! *sigh* It's hard to be so lovable.sme said:how many good (and by good i mean GOOD) friends would you say you have?
Kookamoor said:If you could remove *any* word from the English language to never be used again, what would it be?
A few, but none of great magnitude. I grew up on a small faultline.SFG75 said:Have you ever experienced an earthquake?