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pink shadow said:Flats for comfort, heels for looks!
Are you a collector? Of what?
MonkeyCatcher said:What is your least favourite book that you have read this year?
I'm not really that into music, but I guess it would have to be either The Black-Eyed Peas or The Red Hot Chilli Peppers.HansoFoundation said:What is your favourite band currently?
HansoFoundation said:A Midsummer Night's Dream by William Shakespeare.
What is your favourite band currently?
HansoFoundation said:Hmmmm... I don't know what the fancy word is, but a phobia of not being liked.
Have you left your country of birth for travel in the last year?
So books are a given then, right?veggiedog said:I love winter because I think it is the most beautiful and happiest season, where families get together and kids play in the snow. There is something very romantic about reading by the hearth (even if it's an electric fire) and I love skiing. My cousins in the southern states and in India ask me how I can stand the cold and snow. I ask them how they can stand the heat and stuffiness.
If you were trapped on a deserted island, what three things would you bring with you (if you could have them magically appear before you)? And don't say 'books'!