Well-Known Member
What was the best new years you have had?[/QUOTE]
The most memorable New Years was the one where dh and I were first dating seriously (long, long story there) and we'd gone to see The Black Hole(terrrible movie), then went to his friend Mike's house for a party. I'd always wanted to meet this guy because his last name was the same as my mom's maiden name and everyone else I knew with the name was blood-related..On meeting Mike's folks and comparing family stories, we decided that we WERE related and from then on we called eachother cousins. Anyway, this party was fun and we had a good time, but left shortly after midnight in search of a place to eat. Stupid us, we forgot it was a major holiday, and every place was packed. We finally settled on this one place, and waited in line for over an hour. Then we waited for the waitress to get to us to take our order.Then we waited and waited and..finally she brought our food...and dropped mine on the floor! By the time we got back to my house it was nearly 4 am, and I was telling my sweetheart that at least we'd be in when my mom woke up at 4..but I forgot she set her alarm ahead of 4 so she'd have plenty of time to get to work by 5..she was just getting up when we walked in. When we told her about the evening, she said, "Well I can see you weren't out getting drunk, so it's ok that you were so late."
My dh went on to write one original song, and perverted a John Denver song to commerate some of the events of that New Years Eve. Oh, and the next day, he came over in his dad's Model T car and we went through the dirive through window at Burger King
What are some of your favorite Christmas songs?
The most memorable New Years was the one where dh and I were first dating seriously (long, long story there) and we'd gone to see The Black Hole(terrrible movie), then went to his friend Mike's house for a party. I'd always wanted to meet this guy because his last name was the same as my mom's maiden name and everyone else I knew with the name was blood-related..On meeting Mike's folks and comparing family stories, we decided that we WERE related and from then on we called eachother cousins. Anyway, this party was fun and we had a good time, but left shortly after midnight in search of a place to eat. Stupid us, we forgot it was a major holiday, and every place was packed. We finally settled on this one place, and waited in line for over an hour. Then we waited for the waitress to get to us to take our order.Then we waited and waited and..finally she brought our food...and dropped mine on the floor! By the time we got back to my house it was nearly 4 am, and I was telling my sweetheart that at least we'd be in when my mom woke up at 4..but I forgot she set her alarm ahead of 4 so she'd have plenty of time to get to work by 5..she was just getting up when we walked in. When we told her about the evening, she said, "Well I can see you weren't out getting drunk, so it's ok that you were so late."
My dh went on to write one original song, and perverted a John Denver song to commerate some of the events of that New Years Eve. Oh, and the next day, he came over in his dad's Model T car and we went through the dirive through window at Burger King

What are some of your favorite Christmas songs?