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Random Question..Keep posting

*chanting* canon! canon! canon! LOL I'm a recent convert from Nikon :)

planned for today - some writing, some eating, some walkies, that's about it.

And your big plans for today are?
i'll probably work on my rig a while and then get my chess stuff sorted out because it's been YEARS since i've played with a board and i recently found out there's a wed chess night here in town... who knew? very excited about that.

what canon do you use? :)
cool enjoy the chess :) I used to play donkeys yonks ago but haven't in years.

sx40 HS - tried the DSLR route and decided it wasn't for me, you always have the wrong lens on the body and by the time you have changed lenses, fiddled with the settings the bird, the bug, the plane ... has flown off to greener pastures.

ever entered any photo competitions?
not really. i'm in a 52-week photo group on facebook, though, and we all have to take photos to match the theme they give us. it's taught me a LOT about taking/developing them. fun ride!

Those are both pretty cool. I like the cross process effect in the second.

my fav things to shoot are bugs and birds :) sand dunes, trees, pretty much anything that catches my fancy really



Are you scared of spiders?
damn, those could be on hallmark cards or something! really super good!

i'm scared of widows, but not much else as far as spiders go. the hobo and the violin aren't real nice, either. i used to keep tarantulas so i'm not scared of them.

are you?
Thanks lol I try :)

Naah I saw some tarantula's the other day on TV that had little pink feet - they were sooooooo cute like they had little fluffy pink socks on!

Would you keep snakes?
i would, they don't bother me a bit, but it sounds like a lot of work. i'm too ADD for a snake. :D

does going on safari interest you?
yeah would love to do something really wild and adventurous! In the Amazon or something similar.

Been to the Great Wall or Grand Canyon or similar landmark monument?
Blue is a good colour too :) or what was it that Henry Ford said? "You can have it in in any colour so long as it is black"

um I'll get back to you on that ... :p

Best DIY cold remedy?