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Anyone else collect Rare books ?? Anyone else purchase Antique and Collectible books often ??
>>> By the way, the antique and rare books have subtly different connotations .
Let's say, without realizing myself, I am collecting books about the mountaineering exploits and ski exploits ( in multiple editions and in different languages) I begun to read antique books and couldn't stop
I guess, I carry the collectors virus
There is an essay called Why Collect Books about this strange virus that you can read in part :

>>> By the way, the antique and rare books have subtly different connotations .
I consider myself a pragmatic collector, that is, I collect some rare books ( first editions ) about specialized/technical subjects in different areas, that besides, were a milestone in itselfs (( very useful knowledges, btw ))As would tell us an antiquarian bookseller, The term “antiquarian” encompasses the ordinary second-hand book . By contrast, the term “Rare” connotes something definitely valuable, for example, the scarcity of copie or by its substantive importance, that is, the significance of the book's contents....
Let's say, without realizing myself, I am collecting books about the mountaineering exploits and ski exploits ( in multiple editions and in different languages) I begun to read antique books and couldn't stop

There is an essay called Why Collect Books about this strange virus that you can read in part :
Courage SparkchaserThe world of book lovers is broken into two opposing and irreconcilable groups. The first, and much the largest, is made up of those who see books as consumables. For these people, a book is a medium that carries the author's content—and that is all. If you are a book consumer, you will never be a book collector. We have found from experience that if you do not understand the difference immediately, you never will.
Those of you who are left are the fortunate ones, and not nearly as uncommon as you might think. Although we are in the minority as regards the general population, there are still a great many of us. You might not think of yourselves as collectors, but you carry the virus. It may be latent, but be warned, it is chronic. There is no cure. The good news is that this disease, book collecting, gives pleasure and adds dimension to your life.![]()
The underlying reason to collect books lies in the duality of the experience. Not only do collectors take pleasure from the intellectual content of their books, but they also enjoy the process of assembling their collections. At its most fundamental level, book collecting is an extension of the hunting-and-gathering instinctthat has fired mankind's progress from prehistory .
The thrill involved in finding a beautiful first edition is palpable, even for those of us who have been involved in the chase for many years.
Why collect books? Collect them because they are beautiful. Collect them because they are valuable. Most important of all, collect them because you love them. If you are a collector, congratulations—and relax, you are not alone .

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