A good observation, Nakmeister.
It is quite obvious that Magician is plot centered, but (and I think his major mistake is this) it also has a HUGE setting. Feist has to introduce so many concepts, and aspects of History and political relations in not one but two worlds that it actually gets a bit too Tolkien'esque. I wouldn't want the plot to take up any less than it does, but starting out with establishing a huge setting as well as a fairly broad character gallery is not an easy undertaking. I'd say, rather establish the characters in a smaller story, and then later we can (of we so desire) take on the epic saga when the setting is applied on a larger scale. Think of it as adding the Silmarrilion sometime later, with all the History, myths and legends.
The only one of the main chars of Magician I feel drawn to atm is actually Arutha

I wonder why I'm different that way... Perhaps because there's nothing special about him. He's a normal human being, without any of the manipulating magics everyone else seems to run into in greater or lesser degree. But why does he do things the way he does? ehhhhhhhm, because he was raised to? Sry, but that answer is not good enough for me. I want to know what a main character thinks and feels. While I agree that it can be nice to fill in blanks yourself, I am also expecting the author to present me with a complete enough image. Feist wrote the story - not me. If he expects me to write the personalities I want my money back, I'm not paying for a book I have to write myself. My other argument for it is this: the author must surely know why his characters do this and that, if he knows these things and base their decisions upon them without ever informing the reader, I can reach some entirely different conclusions and end up beign very confused.
Arutha was like that. He looks cruel at times. His humour is sharp sometimes mocking. He's prone to introspection. But since we're never told anything about him from a clsoer perspective my conclusion was clear. Yummy, here's a bad guy in the making, he'll be a wonderful traitor, everyone will realise that they should've seen it coming. But then he turns out to be somethign entirely different, and I had to completely and totally revise my mental image of Arutha - and that is in fact hard to do, because once I have an image I place every action said char does into it and it fits - and suddenly I have to go back through the entire History of that char and adjust my opinion on everything.
I don't mind if an author deceives the reader thusly on purpose - it can be a very good effect in a book. But when it happens with nearly every character I get somewhat annoyed.
I'll be the first to say that a book that deals mostly with the omphaloskepsis of one single character will bore me out of my skull. I too want plot, but to me a plot won't work unless I understand the people acting out said plot.
Self said:
Robin Hobb springs to mind. I enjoyed the books, but at times wanted to slap certain characters because I knew too much about them and didn;t like what I discovered.
This is what i like about a book. When I know the characters so well that I can frustrated with them, that I can smack my head and Doh! because they're being stupid and that I can cheer along with them when things work out. I may not like what I discovered - welcome to real life - that makes it so much more realistic and convincing in my eyes. See if an author leaves out blanks for me to fill in, I can fill in the good guys which will make them predictable and I will never grow to reallt root for them, and I can fill in the bad guys and they'll be predicatable and I frankly won't give a damn about how they're defeated. The good books are those where I actyally end up caring about how it ends. Right now I could put down Magician and never pick it up again and I wouldn't feel I was missing anything, because no characters have really come to mean anything to me - maybe except for Arutha who's getting there.
I dunno if I'm making any sense to anyone

I think I may just go add Arutha to my fictional crushes though lol