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Recently Purchased/Borrowed

I recently purchased a book called 'Gideon the Cutpurse' I was reccomended this book by a friend and I haven't started reading it yet. Has anyone else heard of this book? The author of the book is Linda Buckley-Archer.
I've just bought José Saramago's recently published autobiography, which will make a wonderful Christmas gift for my mom, an even bigger fan than me :D
Fury by Salman Rushdie. There is a small book distributor near me which deals mostly in remainders. Nearly exclusively in fact. Every few weeks they open their doors for a weeekend and do a warehouse sale type thing. Usually there are only mass markets that aren't stripped. I rarely find anything but but I always walk through just in case. Occasionally a decent trade paper shows up and there's some intriguing science fiction by Alastair Reynolds that I've debated picking up. It's always there. Today I chanced upon the Rushdie in hardcover. I asked at the cash how they happened upon it and apparently they had ordered a mass market by a different author but same title and this is what arrived. $5.
Crazy cover, AquaBlue.

Got myself a bargain: a hardcover edition of Günter Grass' Crabwalk, for 5 euro!

Still, I wouldn't have paid more for a book written by a Nazi :D
I've become obsessed with Pynchon. Considering I haven't read any of his novels it's ridiculous. Today I picked up V. and Vineland used but in decent condition for just less than $12 for the pair of trade paperbacks.
Library sale cart:

2012 The Return of Quetzalcatl- Daniel Pinchbeck

A History of the Vikings-Gwyn Jones


Silence-Shusaku Endo

In the Castle of My Skin- George Lamming
Fury by Salman Rushdie.
I really liked Fury. His characterization is pretty damn good, and in particular his characterization of Nila (or is it Mila? I can never tell, cause I 'read' the book as an audiobook. Anyway, I mean the pretty chick, not the other one) really makes my blood, uhm, interested. :)

Aquablue said:
A Fire Upon the Deep by Vernon Vinge
I have the exact same book with the same cover! I'm always wondering when I'm going to get to it. He's a computer science professor in a state university somewhere San Diego, I think, and I've always been interested to read a fellow computer guy's vision of the future.

Independent People - Halldor Laxness
Good luck. I gave up about 100 pages in, as I remember. I wonder if I'd have enjoyed it more had Magnus Magnusson done the translation. The prose, as it was, felt very archaic.

I bought Istanbul by Orhan Pamuk. It feels right to read about his love for his city and the things that shaped him before moving onto his novels.