While on vacation in Missouri a few weeks ago, I noticed a little, used book store on one of the winding back-country roads. Those are the kind of places that I love to check out, so I hit the skids, threw a few chunks of gravel and pulled in to their overwhelming 3 car parking lot.
I knew I was at the right place as soon as I saw a sign on the window stating that they also do lawn mower repair.
When I walked in, a semi-crusty old codger gave me a 30 second tour of the place. It was like one of those decrepit, one room schoolhouses that Grandma RaVeN used to rant on and on about.
I had to turn sideways to shimmy through the isles, but every section was neatly labled by 5x3 recipe cards. I just knew there was a treasure waiting for me to blow the dust off of it.
Well, I looked high, low & crosss-eyed. I wanted to help the old gent out by buying an armload of books, but was olny able to find one to my liking...a 1st edition of Clive Barker's Weaveworld.
It may not of been the treasure that I was hoping for, but the only thing that could have made it better was if Father Time there would have offered me a tall glass of lemonaide. That....and if I would've had my lawn mower with me.