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Recently Purchased/Borrowed

Wuthering Heights and Jane Eyre by Emily Bronte (2 volume collectors box set): very good condition.
Ooh. Jane Eyre is my favorite classic novel (and I love Wuthering Heights). I'd like to see a photo of this first edition box set. :)
At a thrift store today I purchased, The Fabric of the Cosmos: Space, Time, and the Texture of Reality by Brian Greene.
My boyfriend has that (and Elegant Universe). We got to see Greene speak at a B&N a couple years ago and got Fabric signed. He's pretty cool. I liked his PBS special on Elegant Universe.
I am dancing with joy! I found these books near the back entry doors of my local library. I asked if I could take some books from a very large pile (or piles) and to my utter surprise I discovered some true gems. These are the books I took with me:

Wuthering Heights and Jane Eyre by Emily Bronte (2 volume collectors box set): very good condition.
Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman (one volume collectors box): fair condition; and beautifully illustrated throughout.
The Bridal Wreath, The Mistress of Husaby, and The Cross by Sigrid Undset (3 volume collectors box set): very good condition.
The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (volumes 1 & 2): fair condition.
Cass Timberlane by Sinclair Lewis: very good condition.
Franny and Zooney by J.D. Salinger: good condition.
Pavillion of Woman, and Mandala by Pearl S. Buck: very good condition.

All of the above books are first editions. Incredible!

I also borrowed these from the library this afternoon:

Field Guide to the Birds of North America a National Geographic edition: This is for research I am doing for a short story. The protagonist is an avid bird enthusiast.

Rosa Parks by Douglas Brinkley, and Rosa Parks: My Story by Rosa Parks: This is for research on another short story I am now outlining.

Very nice haul AB! I would have nabbed the field guide too; birding is fun and addictive. Mandala is a good one; I read it while doing research on Pearl S. Buck for my junior research paper in high school. Enjoy!

Me very happy,Yum yum,me gona read this very fast.

This part of my brain is not the best but it bring me lots of compensation.yum yum
Me very happy,Yum yum,me gona read this very fast.

This part of my brain is not the best but it bring me lots of compensation.yum yum

Okay, second reminder about Cornwell in since yesterday; I can take a hint. Time to check out the second Arthur book and see what else Cornwell has I'm sure to enjoy. I have a dh who'd like him too, I bet. Where to start?
Fantasia: An Algerian Cavalcade-Assia Djebar
Grain of Wheat-Ngugi Wa Thiong'O
Haruki Murakami-after the quake
Fiction: The Slide by Kyle Beachy
Non-fiction: Design and the Elastic Mind Paola Antonelli (companion book to the MoMA exhibit)

They haven't come in the mail yet, but I'm very excited.
Borrowed All Quiet On The Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque &
The Frightened Man by Kenneth Cameron and bought Reading In The Dark by Seamus Deane & Tomorrow,When The War Began by John Marsden.
Went to a used books store today:D

Dostoyevsky-The Brothers Karamazov
Gabriel Garcia Marquez-An Evil Hour
Gabriel Garcia Marquez -Innocent Erendira and other stories
Gabriel Garcia Marquez -News of a Kidnapping
Thomas Hardy-Jude the Obscure
Pat Barker-The Eye in the Door
Umberto Eco-Baudolino
D.H Lawrence-The Tresspasser
Marguerite Yourcenar-Coup de Grace
Jonathan D. Spence-The Death of Woman Wang
Timothy Findley-The Last of the Crazy People
Alaa Al Aswany-The Yacoubian Building