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Severian said:poetry is cool. why did you hate it?
Halo said:Did you by any chance have to study Milton at school, Ashlea? All that over-analysing is enough to put anyone off!We had to do Pope's "The Rape of the Lock" for A level - an "epic" poem about someone having a lock of hair cut off. Give me strength!
Apparently it was all very important - to me it was just dull and a complete over-reaction! Perhaps poetry isn't my thing!
Martin said:Are you enjoying The Secret History? Any good?
Jules said:The Color of Magic. One of you mentioned that you were reading a Pratchett novel once and it made you giggle (sorry I don't remember who, but I think it was a girl). I've never read anything by him, so I decided to start at the beginning of the Discworld saga!