I did the same, a year ago.Infinity said:I just bought The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams for English class

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I did the same, a year ago.Infinity said:I just bought The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams for English class
Winnie would say she is no trouble. She minds her own business, doesn't bother anyone; she lives alone in an abandoned house keeping her meagre possessions close by. She would rather not recall the past and, at seventy two, she doesn't see much point in thinking about the future.
When her life is shattered by a Random act of violence, and she is robbed of all that she holds dear, Winnie is forced out of her exile and embarks on a journey to track down the hteir... only to find that what began as a search for stolen belongings has become the discovery of a stolen life.
The West, 1871: two English gentlemen, Charles and Addington Gaunt are searching for their missing brother in the vast badlands of the interior; with them travels a beautiful woman, Lucy Stoweall, who is hoping to avenger her sister's vicious murder.
Across a harsh and unknown landscape their small band becomes entangled in a drama of extraordinary suspense and Revelation. The Last Crossing is a breathtaking, exquisitely written novel with at it's centre an unusual and moving love story.
Out of the black inkwell of the night, a white flood poured. Fat flakes of lazy snow eddying, sticking like wet feathers to whatever they touched. Simon Gaunt, waking with a start, discovered himself becalmed in a storm. Never had he known it to be so cold; it drew heat out of the body like a leech draws blood.
These stories are a collection written over the span of 25 years. The earlier stories are among the first Garcia Marquez ever wrote and the latest and longest, the title story, takes up a theme mentioned in passing in the classic One Hundred Years of Solitude - the tale of a young girl who accidentally burns down the house of her grandmother and is forced into a life of prostitution and slavery to repay her debt. All the stories display authentic voice of Garcia Marquez genius.
His name when he was Human was Kern, and it seemed he had been running forever, for he had become the most feared of beings: A werewolf. When the change had first come upon him, his parents had driven him away with silver daggers. Later, Kern sought human companionship. But he could not hide the truth for long, and so he kept running until he ran headlong into the deadliest pursuer of all - a Harper bent on stealing his life away.
Years after the death of a notorious child murderer, children have begun to die again... and a crime photographer begins to suspect he has the one true clue that connects the horrific events...
Halo said:Bought Song of Susannah by Stephen King
Halo said:I now make that 47 on my TBR pile.Perhaps I should actually try and read some instead of just buying more!
Libra6Poe said:YAY!!! I'm so glad!
I thought I was bad... I've got three waiting for me. Four if I include one that I don't really intend to read. I've got loads in my TBB (to-be-bought) List, though. Gosh, I wonder what your mummies say about your piles!Halo said:I thought I was bad for stock-piling books!![]()
Nosferatu Man said:Gosh, I wonder what your mummies say about your piles!
Nosferatu Man said:Yeah, I thought they weren't cheap. I remember the average 200-pager would cost about £30. If my calculations are correct, then that behemoth of a 1000-pager must have set you back about £500.
SillyWabbit said:Jigs and Reels! I was SO close to buying that one! Will get it eventually! Nice book line up![]()