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Mathius I will back you on Sara Douglass and add to it as well. In Australia she has 2 related trilogies - (1) the Axis tril, (2) the Wayfarer Redemption and a couple of, we thought, standalones; Beyond the Hanging Wall and Threshold. This year she released the start of another tril that ties all these books together, Darkglass Mountain, bk 1 is the Serpent Bride. I love her work, she has other series as well, but these are the cream of the crop for me.
Ok, maybe I"m just too stupid to figure it out, but it seems you can't edit a post here?Yeah, she seems to have quite a few titles. In fact, based on the book list I read, I think the wayfarer series actually has three more books.
Right now I'm reading a series by David Coe, and another by Barb and J.C. Hendee. But I've ordered the other three books from the local library.
Mathius I will back you on Sara Douglass and add to it as well. In Australia she has 2 related trilogies - (1) the Axis tril, (2) the Wayfarer Redemption and a couple of, we thought, standalones; Beyond the Hanging Wall and Threshold. This year she released the start of another tril that ties all these books together, Darkglass Mountain, bk 1 is the Serpent Bride. I love her work, she has other series as well, but these are the cream of the crop for me.
Anyways, yeah... the Wayfarer Redemption actually isn't a trilogy. It's 6 books. I just located the other three at my library. The last 3 are titled, Sinner, Pilgrim, and Crusader, and they involve Axis and Azure's children. Although Axis and Azure are also in them along with a lot of other characters from the first 3 books. But a lot of folks have already passed on.. Belial, Rivkah, and other people from that same age generation. (at least among the humans. The other races are longer lived)
Thought you'd like to know...
Yup, already knew thisHave read them all. Sara Douglass is an Aussie writer, so they were released here first. The first three books ( BattleAxe, Enchanter, StarMan) were released in Australia as the Axis Trilogy, the second three ( Sinner, Pilgrim, and Crusader) were released as the Wayfarer Redemption. Internationally they were released as a six book series the Wayfarer Redemption... Sara describes it on her website, I can't link to it directly because I'm under 15 posts, in the books section.
Heres a little bit of trivia for you.... on the map in the first three books there is a place named Tailem Bend somewhere around the middle of Tencendor, Sara named this after a real town because she wanted a little bit of South Aus in her book. I live near the real Tailem Bend. It was really weird when i was reading the books to see this place thats just up the road in the story.