If you had to recommend just one author to the world then what author would that be and for what reasons? 
I'm sure most regulars here know that my favourite author is Gabriel Garcia Marquez and I have waxed lyrical about his greatness many times over! That in mind, I will choose another author to recommend. He is a very great favourite of mine!
I recommend to you Ernest Hemingway!
He is a wonderful writer. He was a man that lived life. He LIVED life rather than just exist in it. He lived his life with a passion, lived to the fullest and to the edge and sometimes even over the edge. His passion is reflected in his writing. His books are filled with beauty and passion.
His prose itself is also very beautiful. I'm not sure there is a writer around that is quite so adept at capturing the essence of a thing, place, or persons beauty. His words are poetry in motion to me. Lastly, his stories are very entertaining and have a surprising complexity that you might miss on first glance. Hemingway is truly one of the best writers I have ever read and I admire him immensely!
Who would you recommend and why?
I'm sure most regulars here know that my favourite author is Gabriel Garcia Marquez and I have waxed lyrical about his greatness many times over! That in mind, I will choose another author to recommend. He is a very great favourite of mine!
I recommend to you Ernest Hemingway!
He is a wonderful writer. He was a man that lived life. He LIVED life rather than just exist in it. He lived his life with a passion, lived to the fullest and to the edge and sometimes even over the edge. His passion is reflected in his writing. His books are filled with beauty and passion.
His prose itself is also very beautiful. I'm not sure there is a writer around that is quite so adept at capturing the essence of a thing, place, or persons beauty. His words are poetry in motion to me. Lastly, his stories are very entertaining and have a surprising complexity that you might miss on first glance. Hemingway is truly one of the best writers I have ever read and I admire him immensely!
Who would you recommend and why?