Well-Known Member
Why? Rampant Consumerism.Motokid said:Because common sence would say that the more education you have, the more money you should make. The more money you make the less debt you should carry. You argue more people are getting higher educations. Why then are people digging deeper and deeper financial holes for themselves.
People seem to think if they want it, they should have it. It has nothing to do with need. Why are people in so much debt? Simple - they spend more than they make! What ever happened to 'saving up' for something? People are constantly inundated with ads that tell them, "buy now, pay later; zero percent down; why wait, you can own it now; no problem." They may only make enough to pay for rent and food, but what the heck, they've been told it's okay to be in debt up to their eyeballs because it helps the economy! And guess what, people actually believe it. People have been bamboozled by massive marketing campaigns that tell them they must own x, y and z in order to be beautiful, successful and worthy! One of my biggest beefs is when I see young couples go into debt so they can have a home completely furnished with new, matching furniture and appliances. What's wrong with good, used furniture until you can afford it? Good God, are they so worried that their friends and family will think they're not successful if they don't own the latest?
It's a pile of horse manure to buy into the idea that one's success should be measured by the size of your house, the number of cars in the garage, the number of plasma TVs you own, or the size of your bank account. You need enough money for adequate housing, food, clothing and a few luxuries that make life worth living. You do not need the biggest TV money can buy, gas-guzzling SUVs, a 3,000 sq ft house, and two vacations a year!
Not around here. The academic requirements are higher than they've ever been. The universities here are turning away well-qualifed, excellent students who score 80 - 90% (we don't use SATs) on their provincial exams.Colleges are lowering entrance requirements or they face losing enrollment. Kids with high levels of sports talent are let into prestigious schools with next to no academic requirements.
Ah, now you're talking about being prepared for life in the "business world".I don't know that there are many people in America that would say that kids graduating from high school today are better prepared for life in the business world than they were 4 or 5 generations ago.