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watercrystal said:I still remembered one of the quotes in your signature, something goes like this" I have driven women to lesiban, but not mental institution". Right?
watercrystal said:PS: mr michel, you told me to cook a pizza in one thread at 500 for 8 minutes, and this morning, i had to eat an overburned one!!![]()
Abulafia said:Seinfeld is probably one of the unfunniest things on TV.
SillyWabbit said:Yeah, I don't like it either. It's just a typical American sit com. They are all the same. We have the "funny" life wise witty character. We have the strange quirky character and the straight guy ( woman in this case ).
Pretty much every sit com follows this pattern and it's boring.
Abulafia said:It seems that mainstream America will laugh at anything other than a good joke.
natejb said:First of all when Seinfeld came out it was the most unconventional sitcom on TV (still is because any show attempting to copy it just plain fails). The show does not follow the soap opra -ish plotlines that most sitcoms follow. Your average sitcom is basically either a handful of romantic, or family relationships with a light sprinkling of jokes (mostly the type you see coming a mile away). The jokes are usually even fewer and farther between than most people realize because you have to wade through the hugging, the meaninglest moral, and the drama, a cheap substitute for comedy when you are talking about something called a sitCOM(I'm not sure but I think com is short for comedySeinfeld bypasses all that shit and puts the comedy on the front burner. Also, the characters are very likeable (you'd realize that if you watched more than a half an episode before returning to something retarded like Married with Children). And as far as zanny character and strait characters, every character on Seinfeld is capable of being one or the other depending on the situation which makes them more believable. I firmly believe that anyone who doesn't like Seinfeld has not watched a whole episode.
SillyWabbit said:I find it as fformulaic and "safe" as every other sitcom.