Dear all,
I tried to post this request already last night, but my phone decided not to send it. If it did, I apologize for posting it twice.
I am in search of a particular book that seniors were reading in an English AP class in an American highschool when I visited in 2004. I do not believe it has been on a regular reading list though.
I already tried to browse highschool reading lists, goodread lists, the school website and to ask students, but haven't been successful yet.
As I have never read this book myself and did not completely understand their discussions, most of my details are vague, and some of them might be completely false. Therefore, I appreciate any idea you might have even though some details might not fit my description 100%.
The book tells the story of a boy who befriends an imaginary (?) large pink (?) bird in his backyard. The bird might be a heron.
Someone in the family has died or is dying of illness (I am thinking the brother maybe.) There is something special about the boy that makes him feel different from others. He might be suffering from autism or has a mental disease of some kind.
The title of the book tells us the name of the bird: "The I..." ("Iljas" comes into my mind, but that is not quite it.) The name could either be the botanical bird's name or some pet name the boy calls it.
The cover shows a painting of some trees and a pink/red large bird.
As I said before, my memory is vague, but I thought I would take my chance and ask you. Thanks in advance for helping me find this book.
I tried to post this request already last night, but my phone decided not to send it. If it did, I apologize for posting it twice.
I am in search of a particular book that seniors were reading in an English AP class in an American highschool when I visited in 2004. I do not believe it has been on a regular reading list though.
I already tried to browse highschool reading lists, goodread lists, the school website and to ask students, but haven't been successful yet.
As I have never read this book myself and did not completely understand their discussions, most of my details are vague, and some of them might be completely false. Therefore, I appreciate any idea you might have even though some details might not fit my description 100%.
The book tells the story of a boy who befriends an imaginary (?) large pink (?) bird in his backyard. The bird might be a heron.
Someone in the family has died or is dying of illness (I am thinking the brother maybe.) There is something special about the boy that makes him feel different from others. He might be suffering from autism or has a mental disease of some kind.
The title of the book tells us the name of the bird: "The I..." ("Iljas" comes into my mind, but that is not quite it.) The name could either be the botanical bird's name or some pet name the boy calls it.
The cover shows a painting of some trees and a pink/red large bird.
As I said before, my memory is vague, but I thought I would take my chance and ask you. Thanks in advance for helping me find this book.