Well, I USED to like Sophie Kinsella. . but then I developed an
intense hatred for Becky Bloomwood, and now I feel equal hatred towards her creator. I hate Becky so much that I couldn't even finish reading the last book in the damned series. I threw it in my fireplace.
Oh, but goodie! I hear she's coming out with another Shopaholic mess.

What the hell is the point of creating a character so stupid and incompetent at anything like Becky Bloomwood? She doesn't learn anything! With every book we end with some supposed "life lesson" yet in the next book we see that she's change not even a little!
Kinsella should've stopped at book one. Obviously, as long as the books as called "The Shopaholic Series," she's gonna have to keep making Becky the same ridiculous idiot she's always been. This is just pathetic now, though. The series was supposed to end after the third book. It's obvious that she's just continuing to write them for the sake of making money. Even the writing seems different. The humor is forced. She can only make Becky trip, do something stupid, or get into debt a certain number of times before it starts to raise the reader's blood pressure in frustration.
And "Can You Keep A Secret?" had characters almost identical to shopaholic series. Emma Corrigan is just Becky Bloomwod without the shopping. They think the same way, they have the same stupid humor, same stupid friends, same dumb luck with romance. Lissy is exactly the same as Suze. Jack is exactly the same as Luke (and both are dull and two-dimensional). And the storylines have too many similarities. I mean, come on, Becky and Emma are two dim-witted idiots who are both shallow, immature, and hypocritical, yet they still manage to get the two top businessmen of two huge multi-million dollar companies to fall in love with them, even though they have like an ounce of intelligence to offer.
Nah. I'm never gonna read anything by her again.