I came across this post quite by accident. I very rarely visit this board, leave alone post anything. It's just one of those places that I visit rarely for whatever reason... (nothing against this board of course

). But this thread caught my attention because I could relate to what you were saying and how you felt about it.
I don't know what happened here, so I cannot comment. But in my experience, very rarely do moderators react without having some underlying reason for it. Maybe it was a string of incidents and not just a single occurrence which sparked off this confrontation, as it happened to me... I don't know...
I can tell you that "self-promotion" is an extremely touchy topic wherever you go... online. In real life, the whole dynamics are different because people you meet get to know you as the person. Online, we only know you through your posts. It's not all black-and-white as it happens in your and my case and sometimes moderators do make mistakes because such things are quite difficult to judge. To be frank, I think the "no-spam" rule and the "self-promotion" rule on many sites are quite vague... hard to judge for a member what kind of posts come across as self-promotion and what kind do not. Different forums have different philosophies in this so as members, it's very important that we get to know that before we do something that lies in that "grey" area.
Maybe you will be better served by taking a temporary break from here if you still feel quite strongly about it. Believe it or not, if you continue posting here with that resentment within you, you won't enjoy it and you'll probably experience more difficulties...
Again, best of luck with your literary work and your books!