The series had been recommended to me so many times, but I put it off. Then I read Hearts in Atlantis and really enjoyed the first part, and was especially intrigued by the 'low men'.
When I found out how this was connected to the Dark Tower series, I borrowed a copy of the old version of The Gunslinger from my sister. I still really love the opening lines of that book! The next two were also really enjoyable. I'm up to Wizard and Glass but can't seem to get into this one at all, been on my floor gathering dust for a while. Worth giving another go?
<shrug> for the most part that one simply establishes a background for Roland. Seems unnecessary at the time, but later on there are a lot of instances that become significant.
I liked the Dark Tower, but the more I read of King's other books, the more I'm convinced they're all basically the same.
Small town suffers from some weird horror. Pretty general I guess, but all his books definitely have the same feel, and very close plots.
I read Cujo and Pet Semetary when I was in high school. I read Eyes of the Dragon sometime after high school. Recently read the Dark Tower, plus From a Buick 8, It, and Salem's lot, and I had to stop there.
I just can't take much more Stephen King. The guy needs to try something new.
Reminds me of that Family Guy scene where Stephen King's sitting there with his agent, and there's a lamp on the desk and King is like...
"I'm writing a novel about a.... <looks at the lamp>... scary lamp monster! HOOOH!"
And the agent/editor goes, "You're not even trying anymore, are you? <sigh> When can I have it?"