Don't pay attention to what others say - and there are others out there your age who love it, it just may take a while to find them!
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I can't find anyone who reads hardly either. The books I read are books that most middle-aged people read. The kids at my school are to busy read Twilight to find more books out there,that are better than that piece of crap.
Problem is,the kids at MY school(Not sure about yours),will read Twilight Saga over and over,and it will be the only book they read in their life.While I agree with you about Twilight I think its a good thing when someone finds something that opens the door. If that's Twilight, so be it. After Twilight they might move on to other vampire/horror books and from there onto other themes.
Remember, many people think of Harry Potter the same way you think about Twilight. They are wrong, of course, but to each his own.![]()
Did you know when people call you a nerd,they are calling you smarter than themI agree with what everyone has said so far. Reading is great, etc. I sort of wear the epithet 'nerd' with pride. Reading is nerdy, but that's OK. Nerdy things are good. I'm with alliterati, hooray for nerds!
I'm from one of the most backward states in Australia (itself a reasonably backward country) and I am frequently made fun of for reading. This extends to people yelling things from passing cars when they see I am carrying a book. Whatever. The joke's on them, I was carrying Dune! While entertaining it's hardly the most cerebral book out there. So, anyway, ignore them.
Unless you're reading Ayn Rand. If you're one of those teenagers who is having their mind expanded by Ayn Rand then you are a loser.
People yell at you from cars?That never happened to me.
What really gets me fired up is,do you know why kids do not like reading?Because of the crappy books the teachers read to them,also that A.R. crap.Something like that. 'Nerd' too. Also that lovely word beginning with F used by awful people to refer to gay men, and by Victorian authors to refer to a bundle of twigs used as fuel for a fire.
Yeah, whatever, like only gay guys like reading. Have you ever heard of Shakespeare?!?!
Oh... wait... never mind.
My teacher wanted me to dump my books,and start appreciating people Chinua Achebe,The guy who wrote Faust,and also the guy who wrote The Odyssey.
I told her that they could not compare to people like Steve Alten,Micheal Conolly,and Jeff Lindsay.
Too bad they were craptastic authors though.She thought my Authors were holding my love of other Authors.
Now they just think you read the Dexter Morgan series. Ever since you read that killing scene in Dearly Devoted Dexter.You guys should have seen their faces.They just found out we read mostly Mystery,or what they call "Murder Books",after three years of us reading the genre.I get stereotyped as a wizard at my school. They think I love dragons and what not. But the ironic thing is that I read mystery and horror mostly. That shows you why people think readers are losers,because they think that only fantasy genre exists in books.
I heard that Cornwell was horrible,and romantic so don't give up on the Mystery genre just yet.Now if you read something like The Black Echo by Micheal Connolly,you would have liked it better.Also seeing how the killers killed from 3rd person POV is good,but it's even better if it's 1st person POV.You should definitely read what you enjoy. So go ahead and not like Goethe or Homer or whatever. But it's a silly idea to teach about thrillers in high school English. While entertaining (occasionally) what exactly do they teach you about literature?
My teacher made us study a Patricia Cornwell book and it was terrible. It was so derivative, and the characters were only there to serve as vessels to advance the done a million times before plot. No interesting development or relationships. The only thing keeping me there was the macabre curiosity of what zany way the serial killer would use to kill the next victim.
There is nothing wrong with liking a book like that, but books like that are not examples of serious literature worthy of study.