Stewart said:
My thinking around this is to encourage a tidy forum where it is easy to search for previous posts about an author or a book. Typing Kazuo Ishiguro into the search engine may then return a number of threads: Kazuo Ishiguro: Never Let Me Go, Kazuo Ishiguro: The Remains Of The Day, etc. - immediately I know which thread may yield the content I am after rather than has anyone read this book?
The bigger purpose, however, is making the threads have meaningful titles for the search engines out there (Google, Yahoo!, etc.) so that it can potentially bring more people here. Part of the search engine ranking is, afterall, determined by the title tags of an HTML page, making it one of the most important to get right. We want more newbies to harangue, right?
Dude, I know what you're trying to say. And I get it. My point has to do with the audience the forum is meant to attract.
One thing we have to keep in mind is a lot of booklovers here are not versed with computer 'ettiquette', and don't see that as a prerequisite to joining a forum talking about books. If we start enforcing thread naming it's going to come off to the casual forum reader as unnecessarily stifling.
This place is a community first, a resource second. That's why I believe the emphasis on 'correct way' of doing things, while very important, should take a backseat to general courteousness. That's the way I see it, anyway.
What I'm afraid of seeing is newbies (or anyone, for that matter) who come enthusiastically posting about a book they like, but they get a post telling them that they should have named the thread 'Title Aye by Author Bee' to 'follow convention' and jibes about 'don't you read "Read Me First" threads?' These types of posts annoy me incredibly, and drive potentially great and matured contributers away simply because of the unfriendliness.
Let us all in the know start naming book threads properly, and when other people see this they will follow suit automatically.
No, it doesn't. But, when things get slow, it's up to the mods to keep the site active, encouraging people to post.
I've given this some thought, and yes, I think I agree with you here. I think the moderators are doing a fantastic job, but if there is one thing that I think they could improve on is seeding topics to, as you say, keep the site active.
And when newbies name threads in a less than accurate manner, the moderator's job would then be to rename the thread, drop a polite note to the poster, and informing them what has happened. Everyone happy.