Danni was smokin' hot at the reunion... but I already knew she was beautiful before the show started.
Libra6Poe said:
For Lenny & MotoKid
I hope y'all enjoy it!
Pictured: Danni
I can't believe that they ate that chicken! I thought it was horrible and disrespectful. I certainly wouldn't have done that. I wouldn't want anyone disrespecting my religion, so why would I do that to someone else? They may as well have spit in the faces of those Mayan people. Ugh.
I'm glad Danni won though. She's who I was cheering for the whole time.
Judd was pretty harsh (or as he put it "brutally honest"

To Danni:
Go to confesion... do you rollerblade or ice skate?... 'coz you skated through this whole thing...
And all the stuff he said to Stef wasn't pretty either. It's funny though 'coz yeah, he's a liar too.
It seems like everyone would already know who the winner was before the live show. Between the time of the last meeting and the live show, they could just ask each other who they voted for and figure it out.
I wish the Survivor online site showed who voted for whom. Does anyone know?
Also, I missed a few episodes in the beginning. What were they talking about with Blake "Golden Boy" and his girlfriend? He said something about her?
Hmm... I guess that's it.
Oh yeah, if I were Danni, I would've done the same thing and chose to keep Stef too... afterall, like Rafe said... Stef tried really effing hard in that endurance test.