I loved this book. Although yes it is a tad slow at first it does a very good job of bringing to life not only the characters, but more importantly the time/period.
One of the interesting points for me, however, is that although the book does a great job of producing well developed characters, it is the 'magic' itself that is the main character ;I've since re-read it from this perspective and have found that it is the magic itself that drives the book on.
I especially enjoyed how tied in it was with fairy tale /curse culture. This is where the footnotes really become a must. I've read plenty of complaints regarding the number and size of the footnotes, but it is these that allow Clarketo further and expand on the relationship between the real world and that of the magic.
I would have loved to have read this at school (which BTW would have meant the book needed to be published many many years ago!), for the simple reason that there was enough in it for everyone to discuss:
Racism, gender, war, poverty, death, responsibilty, power, politics etc... There was plenty in it.
Clarke has certainly put herself firmly into my list of Authors to follow. I look forward to her next effort with some excitement. Hopefully she will only get better, thus making my signed 1st edition worth quadrillions!