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Irene Wilde said:but I just started wondering. All these colorful monikers...where do they come from? How did you come by your screen name?
Irene Wilde
(Which is a song title and not my name)
watercrystal said:Watercrystal comes from a book, Hidden Messages from Water. Here is a piece of information about watercrystal:
Mr. Masaru Emoto in Japan had a theory that when water molecules crystallize, pure water becomes pure crystal, but contaminated water may not crystallize as beautifully. In 1994, he started his experiments of photographing the crystals of different waters. He succeeded in the end to take photos of spring water, rain water, river water, and lakes all around the world. When he looked at the crystal pictures, the most important thing he noticed, was that the water tried to form a completed "hexagonal crystal structure".
From experiments he learned that the chipping away and/or collapsing of crystal structure were not good signs. He felt that the water showed different "faces of water". The water is trying very hard to be a "clear water" (a beautiful looking crystal). Regretfully, it is a known fact that chlorine and other chemical substances added to water for purifying purposes are not good for the body, nevertheless most people in industrial countries drink such water.
Mr. Emoto discovered that tap water and contaminated water (urban rivers, lakes, etc.) could not form a full hexagonal structure. Some of the urban waters showed twisted and very deformed crystals. Therefore, we wanted to see the different crystal pictures from tap water, and when we added coral in the same water. Here is the result:
As you can see, the tap water formed a deformed picture and the coral water formed a beautiful crystal.
Indun said:Idun is a Nordic goddess of youth, wife of Bragi, god of poetry. She protected golden apples, which gave gods eternal youth.
Catalyst said:It was either going to be Changer or Catalyst and Catalyst sounded cooler.
novella said:Ashlea.
Maybe your parents were thinking of Ashley Wilkes from Gone With the Wind?
SillyWabbit said:Those crystals are really beautful and have a poetry about them. The more uncontaminated they are, the more beautiful. Water is so abundant and yet so beautiful and magical. Even more so, you see they can produce thease strange crystalsI like them, and it's a good name