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Thanksgiving Message

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RichardLowry said:
A Thanksgiving from a Grateful Nation

Today, Americans enjoy a freedom unequaled in the history of civilization. Our good fortune goes unnoticed by most everyone in their day-to-day lives. We are free to express ourselves. We are free of oppression. We are free of fear.

Richard S. Lowry

First, since you were an ass responding to my question, my cordial nature goes down the toilet.

Express ourselves, eh? When was the last time you heard '****' or 'shit' on, ABC, CBS, or NBC? I bet that absinth is going to taste good after that turkey dinner. My name is Micheal Alig, when I go out, I like to glow; I have to buy new glowsticks everytime, instead of buying a batch of tritium. Did you enjoy Cannibal Holocaust?

Free of oppression, really? What was that thing you had to fill out when you turned 18? Ah, the selective service. That sounds like oppression to me. The funny thing is, I couldn't join the military if I wanted to as it is, but if they call me I have to or pay a bunch of money and spend time in jail.

Free from fear? If I throw a party, the music gets too loud. The police come, they search the house. I had some drugs--I'm not a drug addict, but I have them for a night out on the town--'they' take my house, without a guilty conviction and don't have to give it back. I take a baseball bat to some guy's head because he raped my lover, and I go to jail.

You're right America is great. The goverment is such a part of everything, that we'll never be able to get rid of it.

Ok, I'm a little stunned. What starts out as a tribute to Thanksgiving has turned really, seriously aggressive and political.

I'm an American. I love my country. I don't always agree with what's done in her name, but I don't think anyone, anywhere is in complete agreement with their government.

Selective service -- this is in case there's a military draft. There hasn't been one in decades.

I don't know of any country where it's OK to beat a rapist to death with a ball bat, no matter how tempting the idea might be to some. And, should you do so, you get a trial with a jury and representation.

No, I don't want the government interfering in my personal life, or my religious life. But thus far, they really haven't shown any inclination for wanting to. I don't believe in trading civil liberties for safety -- and I think that some of the legislation, etc. that came after 9-11 was reactionary. I sincerely hope that it gets "fixed" by future administrations. The pendulum swings. Sometimes we have a conservative government, sometimes liberal. But by having relatively frequent elections, the government can be "adjusted" if people pay attention and participate. In the 60s things were liberal. Now they're conservative. Eventually it will be liberal again.

We're not always right. We're not always wrong. Far as I can tell, most of the citizens just muddle along as best we can.
ctadams said:
I don't know of any country where it's OK to beat a rapist to death with a ball bat, no matter how tempting the idea might be to some. And, should you do so, you get a trial with a jury and representation.

I didn't say beat the rapist to death, shithead.

I don't believe in violence.

What I'd probably do: I would probably stun gun and drug the said offender, bind and gag, put in a large bag and put it on her doorstep, then she can do what she wants to with it.
Excuse me.

warm_enema said:
I didn't say beat the rapist to death, shithead.

I don't believe in violence.

What I'd probably do: I would probably stun gun and drug the said offender, bind and gag, put in a large bag and put it on her doorstep, then she can do what she wants to with it.

1) Please don't refer to me as shithead.
2) You DON'T consider stunning, drugging, binding, gagging and bagging someone on the doorstep violent? WOW, I'm impressed.
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