New Member
If anyone is familiar with him and his career as an X-rated stand up comic, on his VH1 cable television show, there's an episode which speaks directly to what I'm talking about in terms of dealing with agents and publishers.
The episode portrays him not at all receptive to the ever many twists and turns in getting from point A and to point B publishing and marketing. Needless to say, he starts to spout a lot of fire and brimstone but I say to myself, I know exactly how you feel.
He says it's a completed 800 page book worth at least a $1 million advance, yet he gets agitated when publishers ( 14 as described ) either scoff at the work, don't understand it, or claim it's too graphic for the literary marketplace.
I am of a mind that creative writing as I've always said comes in all forms, shapes and sizes. For anyone to claim that writing should always be walking a fine line inbetween some sort of preschool vernacular, for one thing Joan Collins books would never have reached print, yet she did fine.
Last thing I'll say is this to the learned class.
Remember the old latin phrase : fas est et ab hoste doceri
It is right to learn even from an enemy.
If presumably I like him are enemies of good, decent and proper literature.
The episode portrays him not at all receptive to the ever many twists and turns in getting from point A and to point B publishing and marketing. Needless to say, he starts to spout a lot of fire and brimstone but I say to myself, I know exactly how you feel.
He says it's a completed 800 page book worth at least a $1 million advance, yet he gets agitated when publishers ( 14 as described ) either scoff at the work, don't understand it, or claim it's too graphic for the literary marketplace.
I am of a mind that creative writing as I've always said comes in all forms, shapes and sizes. For anyone to claim that writing should always be walking a fine line inbetween some sort of preschool vernacular, for one thing Joan Collins books would never have reached print, yet she did fine.
Last thing I'll say is this to the learned class.
Remember the old latin phrase : fas est et ab hoste doceri
It is right to learn even from an enemy.
If presumably I like him are enemies of good, decent and proper literature.