The Entire Fleet Of The Jefferson Is A Great Risk!
Testament 218
The Entire Fleet of the Jefferson is at Great Risk!
On September 01, 2002 the Word of the Lord came and said;
See a Picture of the Fleet at TRAFFORD.COM/06-1777
218.01 These are they which shall befall these United States;
218.02 Upon The Morning of Vast Destruction. I have witnessed a generation of plague and animosity towards my demand.
218.03 The function herein lies with the Trend of Immoral Occupation
Which many unresolved to decline and detach their every vice.
218.04 I have long wearied the gap in which the voluntary demise of these people shall here wise meet with destructive force.
218.05 Herewith are my immediate warnings of perdition upon those who weary me still.
218.06 Stilled are they whose voices are not stronger opposing the Stranger of whom is a Maligned Force of the weaker.
218.07 It is thus Written; That those of whom clandestine the erosion of this error by night shall esteem the latter, by which Forces unvisited shall en-ruin be ignited by dark.
218.08 The deafening disregard for the former who are weakened by the initial cries unto Me shall stand as they are consumed by the deposition of them who witness in my Name.
218.09 Forth, the Spirit of My Fire shall engulf them and immediate calamity is at hand1 .
218.10 The River of Wine2 , which is beset against the Armament of War is increased upon the waters. (I hesitate to write this). (See 190.05).
The Gulf
218.11 The Gulf of this Peninsula is in armament as they speak.
The Valley of Decision
218.12 The Structure of Land upon the Pacific Waters is a Risk to infuse the Valley of Decision towards war. (See 190.03)
Parable of
Internal Appeasement
218.13 The Hour of Internal Appeasement are the vessels at sea.
218.14 And those that hide the exterior waters ensue a deafening DEFEAT. In which the waters shall induce the Governments to take action.
218.15 Long are the Nights of weary delusion upon those who command these Alien forces. They too, are at risk.
218.16 The sacrifice of these young men shall prevail the onset of another War3 .
218.17 Presiding now over your Borders are the Ultra Mega Vessels of which are in disembodied waters approaching to the south side of the Equator.
Parable of The Russian Sea
218.18 Man the evil forces of which are south fielding the boundaries of the Russian Sea.
218.19 The onslaught of Demolition will not further to suppress the Rotunda of Emissaries4 That shall arise the morning of the (9/) 17th5 ;
218.20 For which shall they not retreat nor herewith weary and restrict thy foreign policy of Presidential Behavior. (Now dormant and in exile6 ).
Resolution of the Calling
218.21 Thou shall arise the morning after and publicly resound The Hour for which is the Resolution of the Calling.
Vessels Are to be Hit![/
218.22 Vessels are to be hit! The Presidential Congress of those who convey the Concord of Freedom are as follows.
218.23 The Bush Administration7 , The Fleet of the Concord with issues of Armament about to ignite-
218.23 The Vessel USS Constitution (The Vessel Constellation?)
218.24 In addition, the entire Fleet of the Jefferson are at great risk.9
The Luke & Uss Roosevelt at Risk
218.25. The Luke and The USS Roosevelt are both entwined by division of opposing forces that are headed toward demise!
Notes: Indexed
On March 01, 2006 it was announced that the United States was selling 5 of our major Ports rights to the United Emirits. This shows that there was a conspiracy involved, and it will lead to a mass annihilation .
Does The “demolition” refers to 9-11.
This was written about 9/01/2002 just before we moved but did not come to mind until the Columbia crashed.
This Chapter directly relates with 190.00!
In 03/2006 our government is about to lease out our Ports to the United Emirates ( a Muslim and anti-Jewish people thus breaching our nations security AND GIVING ISLAM a hold on our continent)
1 This happen first with the Columbia Space Shuttle, it got our attention that World series of events was about to happen on 02-03-2003.
2 Most likely means France, because France has long provided the world with Wine…. Note that France provided Argentina with Exot Missiles in the Falklands war that took out two or three British Ships. In addition, there are French ships in the Gulf area. They are not an Allies of the United States. They are an Ally of Iraq.
3 Meaning this is the 2nd time we went to war with Iraq and or that there will be another war right after we win the 2nd war with Iraq because of the strikes against us being revealed through investigation of Iquida activities after the 9-11 attacks. Iran and Saudi Arabia would both be on this list of the next countries to fall but most likely it will be North Korea. The Moslem will try to make us think an attack is made by the North Koreans or Russia so that we will retaliate against the wrong aggressor.
Because of Moslem error in thinking that it has achieved a world domination and that it’s time Moslem Nations attack and subdue Christian Nations to advance their religion, because that is what their religion is all about Remember that while the United States was so worried about the advances of Communism in China and the far east, the Moslem empire was getting stronger and stronger. Wherever, there is a mixture of Muslim and Christians, it’s the Muslims who always are attacking the Christians. (They think it is their Duty). Our country needs to publicly announce that the Muslim Empire, this is the real enemy of the United States and of the World..
4 The United Nations
5 President Bush gave his address at 9:00 AM on 03/17/2003 after the International Conference.
6 President Bush offered Exile for Saddam, which he will not accept.
7 God placed President George Bush into office for this very hour to be the person to lead this country with great wisdom during this hour. See Testament 216 verse 5. Written in 04-22-92. This gives reference to “President Bush in mind” when the then President Bush was George Bush Sr., already Voted out of office, and replaced by President Clinton. Therefore, it was impossible for us to know that his son would be the one to take office. In addition, we did not put the two together until 03-17-03 after the President gave his speech to the Nation. Therefore, making every word in this Prophecy a certainty. God, foretold his presidency here even thou he almost lost the election to Vice President Gore who tried to steal the election. (Gore, being influenced by Satan to change history).
8 We do not know if these ships are commissioned but they could be code words used by the Navy. As these ships and battle groups go into battle they could be attacked by some unlikely places by missiles capable of sinking these ships. So they better be good at what they do to make sure that doesn’t happen. (God has intended for them to be Victorious)
9 A nuclear bomb could be set off on a transport FISHING vessel OR Giant Oil TANKER of Mega Size ( thus the words Ultra Mega Vessels for a fit description). These ships are so large that it would be easy to conceal a nuclear bomb in the oil or hold by terrorist forces. These ships are too large to search! This Ultra Mega Vessel is so large that it IS FLOATED IN CLOSE TO THIS BATTLE GROUP while the fleet passes through a straight.. That is exactly what happened with the USS COLE. So THEY GET A BIGGER BANG FOR THEIR BUCK! After all they are simply after a military target such as a whole fleet!
Or they will rondevue some place near the equator before setting towards their ports headed for demise!
BUT WORSE THERE ARE PEOPLE SOLD OUT TO A ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT WHO ARE INTENT TO DESTROY THE UNITED STATES. These people have collaborated secret deals. If the Port security of our main ports are sold to Islamic countries then they have effectively colonized us. Therefore they can breach security and allow containers in that have nuclear blasting potential.