The waveguide
If our country isn't so great then why are people trying to come here in the first place? I am not against foreigners in the US at all.
Well, in my case I did not want to go to US but I was sent there. A business trip. And I will be avoiding going there as much as I can. You can not imagine the shame when they take your fingerprints
And regarding the "foreigners" in US... Actually I do not understand how one kind of "foreigners" can be distinguished from another one since for me the whole American nation is one huge group of foreigners (in respect to native Indians, actually). So well, you are born there... But it still does not make you less foreign than the new immigrants. They are just some-50-or-200 years delayed in their arrival

It wasn't something that was "turned around" really. Here is the video I was taking about: DANGIT! it won't let me post a url because I haven't made 15 or more posts. If you are interested in seeing the video, go to youtube and type in "Al Gore Refused to Take Energy Reduction Pledge" because that is the title of the video.
I'll look for it. I am really curious.
In no way am I saying that I don't agree about cleaning up our planet. When people refer to the future and say, "Oh yeah, in 2 thousand more years we will have floating cars and everything will be all silver and shiny." I can't help but wonder if the human race will be around that long.
I am happy that we agree on that one

Money makes the world go 'round unfortunately. Don't get me started on America's economy! lol! As you are probably aware, the US is trillions of dollars in debt.
On which may I remark that only really the wealthiest can afford themselves to be in trillions of dollars in debt!
I do not buy that "debt" excuse!
They need to constantly build more roads and bridges and wider highways, because more people are popping up all over the place. Obviously 90% (just guessing) is from more women getting pregnant and having 4+ kids, but foreigners contribute to that growth when they come in and start families of their own![]()
This is the point! You are investing in the wrong thing! Not in roads but in TRAINS one should invest! Believe me or not, here in Europe many of my friends even have no driving license just because it is easy to get by PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION (even if you are a mom+10 kids!) to ANYWHERE! And it does not matter if that is a foreign mother or a native European, they all will get from any point A to any point B, with all their kids, by train. Easy, friendly, safe!
So 100 people using one train vs. 100 people using 90 cars... Let's think... I guess, the train users are 100% environmentally friendlier!
Take care of the tax that you pay. You can obviously change your own state/country if you do not close your eyes on the wrong things. Those roads are built not because there is no other way. It is just because somebody managed to convince you that burning oil into CO2 by using a car is the only way to live.
But you should be aware that public transportation works in many countries, and it is beautiful! And it highly reduces the pollution per human being.