Active Member
Saw this last night, about Che Guevara's early travels around SA with his buddy, working with lepers and such.
The film has a nice mythological, heroic arc, well-acted, without that in-your-face holloywood starmaking that I abhor.
Of course, Che is a bit too saintly. I'm of the opinion that the recent Che popcult is totally social posturing--does anyone, especially nice whitebread college students, really want to get behind guerilla revolutions at this point?--but as a film it's good watch. Beautiful, little-seen photography of South America, some insight into the SA cultural landscape.
The film has a nice mythological, heroic arc, well-acted, without that in-your-face holloywood starmaking that I abhor.
Of course, Che is a bit too saintly. I'm of the opinion that the recent Che popcult is totally social posturing--does anyone, especially nice whitebread college students, really want to get behind guerilla revolutions at this point?--but as a film it's good watch. Beautiful, little-seen photography of South America, some insight into the SA cultural landscape.