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The Motorcycle Diaries


Active Member
Saw this last night, about Che Guevara's early travels around SA with his buddy, working with lepers and such.

The film has a nice mythological, heroic arc, well-acted, without that in-your-face holloywood starmaking that I abhor.

Of course, Che is a bit too saintly. I'm of the opinion that the recent Che popcult is totally social posturing--does anyone, especially nice whitebread college students, really want to get behind guerilla revolutions at this point?--but as a film it's good watch. Beautiful, little-seen photography of South America, some insight into the SA cultural landscape.
I've been meaning to see it, but I still haven't gotten around to it.

I've heard people confuse Che with Bob Marley... That's always funny.
I've watched it too. I thought it painted Ernesto in a way that people familiar with Che would never have pictured him. I, for instance, certainly didn't come to think of him as a compassionate and caring young doctor. I've always associated him with single-mindedness and violence, violence, violence.

My ignorance on his character plays a part on my visualization of him.


p.s. BTW, my thread on this same movie is about 15 to 20 thread down from yours.
re Bob Marley and Che confusion,

When I was a teenager I always got him mixed up with Cesar Chavez, who did great work for migrant farm workers in the US. They somehow got tangled up in my ludicrously spaced-out head.
froggerz40 said:
Being a vintage motorcycle nut, I thought the REAL star was the classic Norton 500 single! :)

That's a laugh. My father in law was tootling around to the pubs on one of them, goggles 'n all. Loved him well.
On the topic of people who get deified, I read an article a few months ago about a guy who had hiked the length of Madagascar and found a group of people that were awaiting the second coming of Bob Marley. Crazy but true. The guy that wrote the article lectures on Marley.