King Kovifor
New Member
OMG. I'm hooked. DId you write this as it's great. I don't think I'd change anything!
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The opening sentences sound a little tongue-in-cheek. Maybe combine the two into one ("It was then Jacob Gibbs decided he was going on a secret mission" or something similar) and move it a little later into the story, after we find out Jacob is a little fish in a big fishbowl. His parents dying is a much more effective "grabber" opening.Gem said:Jacob Gibbs was going on a mission. A secret mission.
There are six "too" or to" words used in the first sentence of this paragraph, which is too many.His parents were never home; they had too many people to impress, too many businesses to expand, too little time to do it all in. Jacob never let this bother him, in fact he was glad, it meant that he had all the time in the world to devote to his own projects without any interruption or looks of disapproval.
They were travelling on the TransAtlantic Underwater Train when it happened [ remove the TA-UT, confusing, unless you use it later in the story ]. Due to a technical mishap [ maybe briefly describe the mishap, but not with too much detail ], everyone onboard drowned.That all changed the night his parents died. They were travelling on the TA- UT – the transatlantic underwater train. There was a technical mishap and everyone onboard drowned.
Jacob didn't like living alone in his parent's empty, spacious house. He couldn't stand it. His projects also suffered. The rainforest he had cultivated lost its appeal, and the allure [ too strong of a word for children? "appeal"? ] of his gadget room diminished. Normally a bright and smiling eleven-year-old, Jacob now skulked [ another tough one? "lurked"? ] in the shadows, more haunting than any ghost.Suddenly Jacob didn’t like the quietness in the house – couldn’t stand it. The rainforest he had been trying to cultivate in Cooks herb garden lost all its appeal and the bright allure of his gadget room dimmed. The normally bright smiling eleven year old now skulked around in the shadows of the large house, haunting it more effectively then any ghost.
Not to worry, Gem... this is all just about helping each other out, right? And, for the record, I'm only brutal (mean spirited) if the writing is bad.