I eventually saw The LOTR two days ago and I must admit that I'm in two minds about this film. A huge part of it was great, engrossing and visually perfect, but I was deeply disappointed by the ending. It was so boring and senseless at times, that I strongly wished it would have finished sooner.
What I didn't like:
1. Frodo makes Sam to leave him.
2. A mysterious disappearance of the horses in front of the Black Gate. Besides, where do the warriors run, if they are surrounded by the enemies?
3. Arwen - a risk of her death in particular.
4. Elrond coming with Anduril. (though at first seeing him was a kind of relief, because for a moment I thought the stranger in black was Arwen.)
5. What happens to Elrond after he gives the sword to Aragorn?
6. No change in Aragorn after he became a king. (except the haircut).
7. What and WHY does Aragorn sing during his coronation?
8. No Eowyn and Faramir's romance.
9. Merry recovers surprisingly quickly after having been wounded by the Witchking.
10. People of Gondor are a thoughtless mass.
11. How Denethor can know all these things about which he speaks to Gandalf?
12. Gandalf "helps" Denethor to get into the flames.
13. Nobody takes any notice of Theoden and Denethor's death.
14. We don't know what happens to all characters, with the exception of Frodo, Sam, Gandalf and Aragorn.
15. No word about Wormtongue.
What I liked:
1. Battle scenes.
2. Special effects.
3. Fast action.
4. Actors (except Bloom)
5. Appearance of Minas Tirith, Nazguls, Witchking, the spider.
6. Fluent coming from huge mass scenes to three-actors scenes.
7. Transformation of Gollum at the beginning.
8. Relationship between Denethor and Faramir.
9. Pippin has more to do.
10. Fires calling for help. (though it could be shorter)
Feel free to refer to any of the points.