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Robert Jordan, actually. Well, some details are different of course, but everything from the bonding of one individual to another, with either or both magically gifted, are brought over from The Wheel Of Time's sul'dam and damane - connected through a collar device called adam. The collared one, sul'dam, can be punished at will by damane - surges of electical-like pain. Similar to Goodkind's version.Prolixic said:Mord-sith...who'd a thunk it?
direstraits said:One of the many bits that I considered blatant plagiarism by Goodkind.
You dont want to know.What philosophy?
Agreed. If you haven't already, give Guy Gavriel Kay a try. You can't accuse him of not breathing new life to fantasy. He's bloody good too.Zolipara said:I like fantasy but in my opinion the genre suffers from a lack of originality.
The Wizard Rules are actually based on a real philosophy developed by someone or other on the 'proper' way to live one's life.direstraits said:What philosophy?
Zolipara said:Yep Goodkind steals elements from Jordan. But i would say Jordan has stealed his fair share of elements as well. Its rare that i read a traditional fantasy book and not see elements that i remember from other books. The traditional fantasy book where only a innocent countryboy can save the world from certain doom at the hands of the evil one has been written many many times.
Especially the first book of Wheel Of time has a lot of characters/situations i recognise from other books. I like fantasy but in my opinion the genre suffers from a lack of originality.
Terry Goodkind said:The major conflict in "Naked Empire," for instance, is "between reason and the major philosophy held by the intellectuals of the U.S. and the world over," says the Southern Nevada-based writer, who begins a tour for his latest book Monday at the Barnes & Noble in Henderson.
"That philosophy was made whole by Immanuel Kant," Goodkind explains. "He said that our senses are inadequate to determine reality, our senses deceive us and we therefore can't know what reality is. And because we can't know what reality is, we can't know good from evil. We can't say one thing is better than another. This leads to what we have today, this concept of moral equivalence. This philosophy has infected the world. When you have that concept, you're at war with reality."
Agreed, and I said as much in my earlier post about borrowing among authors. When it comes down to it, nothing is wrong with copying at all, even if people don't enjoy it.Kookamoor said:But I still think he's had some neat ideas - of course fantasy authors borrow from each other! This is a genre that people like, and authors enjoy writing, so they keep going. What's wrong with that? As long as there's people enjoying these books, there's nothing the matter.
Heh - so true!!direstraits said:Someone once remarked that the difference between Jordan and Goodkind is Goodkind actually moves his stories forward.I totally agree with that one.
I'm not quite sure where you are in the books, so I can't offer you a spoiler, but the 'anger and need' thing is his weakness. Ever noticed how in every fantasy book there's usually a weakness in the wizard? Otherwise they'd be all powerful - for example many are old, and consequently they are frail. Well, in Richard's case he can't necessarily cast magic at every time.MysticSentrosi said:I have to know... Richard isnt going to use his magic through his "Anger and Need" again his he? That is getting slightly trying.
Kookamoor said:He's never sat still long enough for Zedd to actually teach him anything or to go to the Wizards Keep and find something to help him learn. Do you expect him to just suddenly learn how to use the magic? I think that would be a little implausible. Plus, given he's got the subtractive as well, it's hardly surprising that it's more difficult to master.
Just my $0.02!